How to Reduce Workers’ Compensation Claims
Workers’ compensation claims can be critical to your business’s risk management and loss control efforts. These policies are among the most common and vital fixtures in many organizations’ insurance portfolios and can make all the difference in helping employees and employers alike in the aftermath of workplace injuries and illnesses. However, even while understanding the importance of coverage, you may want to find ways to limit your need to submit claims. That’s where the team at Muzio & Rovero Insurance Services is ready to help with comprehensive guidance.
Strategies for Limiting Workers’ Compensation Claims
Workers’ compensation insurance is often not optional. For most employers throughout the United States, including those in California, these policies are widely required by law, potentially adding an expense to your company’s monthly budget. That’s why it’s necessary to understand ways you can reduce the number of accidents in your workplace and minimize the severity of resulting ailments. By limiting the quantity and costliness of claims, you can maintain ideal workers’ compensation insurance rates.
When attempting to reduce claims against your workers’ compensation insurance policy, consider the following steps:
- Assess risks. Identifying potential incidents before they happen can play an essential role in keeping them from occurring. Enlisting outside assistance for hazard identification walkthroughs can help get more eyes on possible problems and ensure objectivity. In some cases, your insurance carrier may offer assistance with these tasks.
- Install safety measures. Once you’ve identified risks, it’s time to address them. Consider various ways you may be able to make operations in your workplace safer. Typical implementations may include investing in engineering controls (e.g., installing handrails), administrative controls (e.g., posting signage) and high-quality personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Educate employees. It may be difficult for uninformed or poorly trained employees to maintain safety in the workplace. Make sure you educate and train employees on appropriate safety measures, including use of PPE and response procedures should an accident occur. Instruct workers to always report any safety violations or dangerous conditions to their supervisor.
- Schedule reassessments. Your business’s risks and exposures may change and evolve over time. Ensure you revisit these steps regularly (e.g., annually) to ensure your safety measures and loss control practices remain suitable for your current workplace.
We’re Here to Help
Contact Muzio & Rovero Insurance Services today to learn more about workers’ compensation insurance and workplace safety.
This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.
Categories: Workers' Compensation